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creating research KNOWLEDGE

I have an interest in quantitative, experimental and mix-methods research projects in the education field.  I provide technical advice and research management services.  Feel free to contact me for a list of research projects I have worked on.

ETHICAL CODE for researchers

I prescribe to the ethical code for research developed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa.

I work with researchers from:



Roelien is a research project leader's ideal participant.  She knows how to design large-scale research, she knows how to think scientifically and, most importantly, she reads widely and deeply in the field of knowledge of the project.  Her quantitative and qualitative research skills are sought after in projects throughout the country.  Her experience is not easily matched by researchers who have not traversed the field as she has done.  She built up a reputation as a top data capturing and analysis expert beyond the borders of South Africa, with research reports that are read avidly by policy makers.


Prof Elizabeth Henning.

Director of the Centre for Education Practice Research at the University of Johannesburg

Roelien has trained as a psychometrician and a foundation phase teacher who has incredible patience and love for young children and her academic commitment to showing how teachers can be taught to overcome these is clear from her publications.


Roelien is a creative and independent researcher who is always helpful to fellow researchers and enquirers and her ability to share and intense motivation to complete and be involved in work on improving conceptual and cognitive development in early childhood means that she sacrifices a lot of her own time on projects. Despite the very difficult challenges she has had to deal with recently, I am sure that the she will be able to spend more time on developing and advancing her own career development in her particular area of research which is sorely needed in the South African education policy and practice context.


Carol Nuga Deliwe

Chief Director Department of Basic Education



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