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This document details the processes and procedures I follow with learning support and assessment clients in terms of contact through social media or internet.


I welcome any feedback on my policies.  You may want to discuss your questions or comments with me during any of our sessions.


Due to the pace of change and development in the digital era, I may want to update this policy from time-to-time.  I will post any updates on my website and distribute it via email to all active clients.

  • Facebook Black Square
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  • Twitter Black Square


I do not have a Facebook account.  I deemed the risk blurring my personal and professional life too risky.



Even though Linkedin is considered a social site for professional contact, I do not accept contact requests from former or current clients.  As a health professional, I wish to protect your confidentiality.  I also want to ensure my objectivity in our work together is not clouded by having multiple relationships with you.



I publish educational and psychological news on Twitter.  I do not expect clients to follow me on Twitter.  Should you wish to follow me on Twitter, you should note that it poses a risk to your confidentiality.  You may wish to use a RSS feed or locked Twitter list to avoid having a public link to my Twitter account.  I do not follow any former or current clients on Twitter.  I do not provide clinical advice on Twitter.


Please only contact me via text messages or email for administrative matters.  I will respond to text messages and emails within 24 hours, during normal business hours.  Please see my business hours.


Should you need to contact me between sessions please do so telephonically.  If you cannot reach me, leave a text message briefly stating the nature of your query, a contact number and convenient time to phone you back.  I will get back to you within 24 hours.


If you are experiencing a life threatening situation, please contact the emergency services on 10111 or go to your nearest emergency room.


Please refrain from sending me text messages via SMS, Mixit, WhatsApp or any other text services containing confidential information.  These platforms are not confidential since there is a risk of access by internet service providers.  Any messages (via text or email) will be considered part of your medical record and be documented as such.



I publish my research and conference papers on Researchgate.  I have no expectation for clients to follow me on Researchgate.  However, if you do choose to follow me, you should note that “follow-lists” are public and thus pose a risk to your confidentiality.  I do not follow any former or current learning support or assessment clients on Researchgate. I however, do follow fellow researchers.


Search engines

I do not search client information via Google or other search engines.  I respect the online privacy of my clients.  In life threatening emergencies, I might resort to the use of a serachh engine to locate a family member or someone close to you.  I will only do so as a last resort and in an effort to prevent any harm coming to you.  I will document it carefully and discuss it with you in our next session.


Business review sites

I do not intentionally list my practice on any business review sites.  Should my practice appear on any of these sites, please note it is not a request for a testimonial.  You may wish to review my services, or discuss your therapy with anyone of your choosing. It is your right to do so.  However, please note by posting information online you might compromise your own confidentiality and I might never see the message.

I hope that we can discuss any feedback you may have in our sessions together.


You may report any harmful or unethical practice to:

Board of Psychology

Health Professions Council of South Africa

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